Authors: Gospodarczyk W., Urbaniak M., Stobiecki F., Szymański B. |
Title: Giant magnetoresistance of [Ni80Fe20/Au/Co/Au](N) multilayers deposited on flexible substrates |
Source: Acta Physica Polonica A |
Year : 2012 |
Magnetic hysteresis and magnetoresistance of[Ni80Fe20/Au/Co/Au](10) multilayers displaying giant magnetoresistance and sputtered on a flexible polypropylene substrates (an adhesive tape) is investigated. The magnetoresistive properties are very similar to those found in films prepared under the same conditions on Si(100) substrates. It is demonstrated, too, that a bendability of the substrates can be utilized to form cylindrically shaped magnetoresistive sensors with reduced anisotropy of the effect.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.1234 (Pobrane: aktualizowanie)