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od 2020-09-20

Dr Stanisław Głowinkowski  | 1994-10 <> 2009-02

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Badanie zależności pomiędzy strukturą, dynamiką molekularną a własnościami fizycznymi w układach polimerowych

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Jenczyk J., Makrocka-Rydzyk M., Wypych A., Głowinkowski S., Jurga S., Radosz M.

The phase structure and molecular dynamics in poly(styrene-b-isoprene) diblock copolymer Molecular dynamics of polyisoprene, polystyrene and poly(styrene-b-isoprene) diblock copolymer has been studied by means of broadband dielectric and magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The measurements of dielectric permittivity as well as NMR second moment, spin-lattice relaxation times T(1) and T(1ρ), in wide range of temperature were performed. It was found that the copolymer exhibits all motions observed in the neat components i.e., three motions connected with polyisoprene blocks (segmental, normal-mode and methyl group rotation) and one (segmental) related to polystyrene blocks. The mutual interaction between polystyrene and polyisoprene chains leads to stiffening of polyisoprene blocks and loosening of polystyrene structure. The polyisoprene segmental and normal-mode motions were analyzed in terms of the Havriliak-Negami model and Vogel-Fulcher-Tamman (VFT) relation. Based on NMR spin-diffusion experiment the size of polystyrene domains in copolymer was evaluated and accounts to 9 nm.
(C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Journal od Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(11-17), 582-588 (2010)

DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2009.06.046   (Pobrane:  2020-10-23)


Makrocka-Rydzyk M., Nowaczyk G. , Głowinkowski S., Jurga S.

Dynamic mechanical study of molecular dynamics in ethylene-norbornene copolymers Dynamic mechanical studies of Molecular dynamics have been performed for two ethylene-norbornene copolymers. The analysis of data indicates the existence of three relaxation processes: a primary (alpha) and two secondary (beta and gamma) ones. It was found that the secondary processes beta and gamma are connected with the local motions of ethylene and norbornene groups, respectively and that their rates follow the Arrhenius relation. Moreover, the beta process was recognized as the Johari-Goldstein process acting as the precursor of the cooperative structural alpha-relaxation. Contrary to gamma and beta processes, the motional rate of alpha-one follows the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation indicating the cooperative nature of motions involved in this process. An increase in norbornene content in copolymer slows down the molecular dynamics of both norbornene fragments and whole chains, and in consequence shifts these relaxation Processes into higher temperatures. Using the Havriliak-Negami formalism the motional parameters for the processes mentioned above were estimated.
(C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Polymer, 51(4), 908-912 (2010)

DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2009.12.027


Pielichowska K., Głowinkowski S., Lekki J., Biniaś D., Pielichowski K., Jenczyk J.

PEO/fatty acid blends for thermal energy storage materials. Structural/morphological teatures and hydrogen interactions Application of poly(ethylene oxide)-based materials as efficient thermal energy storage systems requires understanding of structural and morphological issues that govern the thermal transitions of the blends. Poly(ethylene oxide)/lauric acid and poly(ethylene oxide)/stearic acid blends show high values of heat of melting and heat of crystallisation which exceed theoretically determined values - it is a synergistic effect that is advantageous in terms of energy storage. The PEO blends were investigated by PLM, SEM, AFM, WAXD, SAXS and H-1 NMR techniques - PLM, SEM and AFM allows to observe regions, in which parallelly-packed crystals of fatty acid are present. WAXD results of PEO/fatty acid blends confirmed hindered crystallization of PEO in PEO/fatty acid blends and, finally, lower degree of polymer crystallinity. The NMR study shows that mixing of PEO and lauric acid results in an increase of PEO amorphous phase content in blends as compared to the pure PEO. From FTIR spectra, taken during melting and crystallization, it can be seen that for both investigated blends in the solid state there is only one maximum of band from v(C=O) (in position indicating that C=O groups are engaged in formation of hydrogen bonds), while in the liquid state there are two maxima - position of the first maximum is characteristic for v(C=O) vibrations of C=O groups that do not participate in formation of hydrogen bond, whereas position of the second maximum in the liquid state proves the presence of C=O groups involved in formation of hydrogen bonds. Solid state NMR analysis reveals no esterification reactions between PEO and fatty acid.
(C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

European Polymer Journal, 44(10), 3344-3360 (2008)

DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.07.047   (Pobrane:  2020-10-21)


Ciosek M., Sannier L., Siekierski M., Golodnitsky D., Peled E., Scrosati B., Głowinkowski S., Wieczorek W.

Ion transport phenomena in polymeric electrolytes The aim of the present work is to generalize an ion transport phenomena observed in composite polymeric electrolytes using the previously developed models as well as design a new approach which would be helpful in describing changes in conductivity and lithium ion transference numbers occurring upon addition of fillers to polymeric electrolytes. The concept is based on the observation of changes in ionic associations in the polymeric electrolytes studied in a wide salt concentration range. The idea is illustrated by the results coming from a variety of electrochemical and structural data obtained for composite electrolytes containing specially designed inorganic and organic fillers.
(C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Electrochimica Acta, 54(4), 1409-1416 (2007)

DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2007.03.037   (Pobrane:  2020-10-21)


Makrocka-Rydzyk M., Orozbaev B., Nowaczyk G., Głowinkowski S., Jurga S.

Molecular dynamics in cyclic olefin copolymer Nuclear magnetic resonance, broadband dielectric spectroscopy and dynamic-mechanical thermal analysis were employed to study molecular dynamics of ethylene-norbornene copolymer. The analysis of experimental data indicates existence of three motional processes denoted as α, β, and γ in order of decreasing temperature. The α relaxation is related to the dynamic glass transition, while the beta relaxation, observed only for the untreated sample, is assigned to short range segmental motions involving norbornene units. The γ relaxation is due to very local motions of ethylene units e.g. trans-gauche isomerization, similar to those responsible for γ relaxation in polyethylene. The rate of motion accountable for γ process, follows the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation, similarly to alpha transition, indicating cooperative nature of the motion.

Acta Physica Polonica A, 108(2), 385 (2005)

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.108.385
WWW:   (Pobrane:  2021-01-10)


Głowinkowski S., Peplińska B., Jurga S.

Molecular dynamics in solid pyridoxine as studied by 1H NMR Spin-lattice relaxation times T-1 and T-1d as well as NMR second moment were employed to study molecular dynamics of pyridoxine (vitamin 136) in the temperature range 10-350 K. The T-1 minimum observed at low temperatures at 200 MHz is attributed to a motion of methyl group. The motion is interpreted in terms of Haupt's theory, which takes into account the tunneling assisted relaxation. At low temperatures, where T-1 is temperature independent, occupation of the ground state only is assumed. A motion of proton of the hydroxyl groups or CH2OH groups probably provides additional mechanism of relaxation, in the high-temperature region.
(C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 25(1-3), 1-4 (2004)

DOI: 10.1016/j.ssnmr.2003.03.025   (Pobrane:  2021-01-21)


Nowaczyk G., Głowinkowski S., Jurga S.

Rheological and NMR studies of polyethylene/calcium carbonate composites Rheometry, C-13 CP/MAS NMR spectra and H-1 spin-lattice relaxation times T, and Tip have been employed to study the structure and molecular dynamics in composites of polyethylene (LDPE) with calcium carbonate filler. It has been found that the addition of the filler into the polymer leads to an increase in composite rigidity and a decrease in mobility in its crystalline regions. The presence of the filler affects the crystallization process making the crystal structure less perfect and reduces the size of the crystallites.
(C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 25(1-3), 194-199 (2004)

DOI: 10.1016/j.ssnmr.2003.07.003   (Pobrane:  2020-10-21)


Głowinkowski S., Makrocka-Rydzyk M., Wanke S., Jurga S.

Molecular dynamics in polyethylene and ethylene-1-butene copolymer investigated by NMR methods H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra and H-1 spin-lattice relaxation times T1 and T1ρ have been employed to study the structure and molecular dynamics in polyethylene and ethylene-1-butene copolymer in the temperature range from 100 to 370 K. Results are interpreted in terms of alpha, beta and gamma-relaxation, as well as methyl group rotation. The activation energies for all motions were established. The incorporation of 1-butene into ethylene chain leads to an increase of mobility in amorphous and crystalline phases as well as appearance the C-13 resonance characteristic to the monoclinic structure in addition to the orthorhombic observed in both polymers. The crystallinity degree derived from T-1rho in studied polymers is close to that determined using DSC method.
(C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

European Polymer Journal, 38(5), 961-969 (2002)

DOI: 10.1016/S0014-3057(01)00272-5   (Pobrane:  2020-10-23)


Głowinkowski S., Kozak M., Nowaczyk G., Domka L., Jurga S.

Facultatis Chemiae Universitatis Studiorum Mickiewiczianae Posnaniensis Annales II, , 73-78 (2002)

ISSN: 1644-6364    (Pobrane:  2021-01-13)


Makrocka-Rydzyk M., Głowinkowski S., Jurga S., Meyer W.H.

Molecular dynamics in comb-like ionene as studied by NMR Proton and fluorine second moment and spin-lattice relaxation times T-1 and T-1p have been employed to study molecular dynamics in the comb-like 1-6,6-16-Me-BF4 ionene in the temperature range from 110 up to 300 K. The existence of motions of methyl groups, trans-gauche isomerization, and/or rotation of the main- and side-chain methylene groups, as well as isotropic reorientation of tetrafluoroborate ions were established. The observed relaxation behaviors are explained by motional models which assume Davidson-Cole asymmetrical distribution of correlation rimes. The best-fit motional parameters are given.

Applied Magnetic Resonance, 18(1), 63-70 (2000)

DOI: 10.1007/BF03162099


Andrew E.R., Głowinkowski S., Radomski J., Szcześniak E.

Molecular dynamics in solid pregnenolone studied by 1H spin-lattice relaxation Spin-lattice relaxation times T-1 in solid pregnenolone have been studied over a wide range of temperatures, from 77 up to 417 K. The dynamic processes arising from C-3 motion of the three methyl substituents are separated, and their activation parameters are determined.
(C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 15(4), 227-230 (2000)

DOI: 10.1016/S0926-2040(99)00062-4   (Pobrane:  2020-10-21)


Andrew E.R., Głowinkowski S.

Molecular dynamics in solid riboflavin as studied by 1H NMR Spin-lattice relaxation times T-1 and T-1d as well as NMR second moment were employed to study the molecular dynamics of riboflavin (vitamin B-2) in the temperature range 55-350 K. The broad and flat T-1 minimum observed at low temperatures is attributed to the motion of two nonequivalent methyl groups. The motion of the methyl groups is interpreted in terms of Haupt's theory, which takes into account the tunneling assisted relaxation. An additional mechanism of relaxation in the high temperature region is provided by the motion of a proton in one of the hydroxyl groups. The Davidson-Cole distribution of correlation times for this motion is assumed.
(C) 2000 Academic Press.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 18(1-4), 89-96 (2000)

DOI: 10.1006/snmr.2000.0013   (Pobrane:  2020-10-21)


Andrew E.R., Głowinkowski S., Radomski J., Szyczewski A., Szcześniak E.

Nuclear magnetic relaxation and molecular dynamics in polycrystalline estrogens: estrone and estriol Spin-lattice relaxation times T1 and T1ρ in polycrystalline estrone and estriol are measured as a function of temperature. It is found that T1 relaxation in both compounds is dominated by C-3 reorientation of the single C18 methyl group. The behaviour of T1ρ at high temperatures reveal the existence of another motion, which may involve conformational changes of the rings system.

Molecular Physics Reports, 29, 110-113 (2000)

ISSN: 1505-1250   (Pobrane:  2021-01-07)


Szcześniak E., Głowinkowski S., Suchański W., Jurga S.

Dynamics of glass-forming di-n-butyl phthalate as studied by NMR Spin-lattice relaxation times T-1 and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) enhancement factors for the individual ring carbons in di-n-butyl phthalate (DBF) show that the reorientational correlation function corresponding to the global dynamics in supercooled liquid can be described by a Davidson-Cole distribution. Measurements of proton spin-lattice relaxation times T-1 and T-1p, as well as H-1 NMR spectra at temperatures below the glass transition temperature, Tg, reveal that the same distribution holds also for description of local dynamics in glassy DBF. The activation parameters of the motions detected are derived.
(C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 8(2), 73-79 (1997)

DOI: 10.1016/S0926-2040(96)01292-1   (Pobrane:  2020-10-21)


Głowinkowski S., Jurga S., Suchański W., Szcześniak E.

Local and global dynamics in the glass-forming di-isobutyl phthalate as studied by 1H NMR Spin-lattice relaxation times T-1 and T1ρ as well as H-1 NMR spectra have been employed to study the dynamics of the glass-forming di-isobutyl phthalate in the temperature range extending from 100 K, through the glass transition temperature Tg, up to 340 K. Below Tg NMR relaxation is governed by local dynamics and may be attributed to rotation of methyl groups at low temperatures and to motion of isobutyl groups in the intermediate temperature interval. Above Tg the main relaxation mechanism is provided by overall molecular motion. The observed relaxation behavior is explained by motional models assuming asymmetrical distributions of correlation times. The motional parameters obtained from Davidson-Cole distribution, which yields the best fit of the data at all temperatures are given.
(C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 7(4), 313-317 (1997)

DOI: 10.1016/S0926-2040(96)01266-0   (Pobrane:  2020-10-23)


Głowinkowski S., Jurga S., Suchański W., Szcześniak E.

Dynamics of t-butyl groups in a series of related molecular solids The dynamics of the lowest temperature phase of a series of closely related t-butyl compounds (CH3)CXH, whre X=O, S, Se, has been studied using 1H NMR. The obtained data allowed the separation of the dynamics arising from methyl group and from t-butyl group. The activation parameters of the motions are given. It is shown that the t-butyl group is more mobile than constituent methyl groups and that coupling between these two motions is associated with the observed order-disorder phase transition.

Molecular Physics Reports, 14, 83-87 (1996)

ISSN: 1505-1250   (Pobrane:  2021-01-07)


Głowinkowski S., Suchański W., Szcześniak E.

Molecular dynamics in glassy di-isobutyl phalate as studied by 1H NMR This volume contains the proceedings of the International Workshop on "Non-Equilibrium Phenomena in Supercooled Fluids, Glasses and Amorphous Materials", held in Pisa in the early fall of 1995 as a joint initiative of the Unviersity of Pisa and of the Scuola Normale Superiore

World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics - Non Equilibrium Phenomena in Supercooled Fluids, Glasses and Amorphous Materials, 12, Eds. Giordana M. et al., World Scientific, Singapore (1996)

ISBN: 9789814530774   (Pobrane:  2021-01-14)


Makrocka-Rydzyk M., Głowinkowski S., Jurga S., Meyer W.H.

Molecular dynamics in stiff ionene below glass-transition Temperature dependences of proton and fluorine second moments and spin-lattice relaxation time T-1 below glass transition were measured in glassy ''I-Do,Pip-Me-BF4'' ionene. The existence of motions of methyl groups and segments linking the cationic centers, namely piperidinium rings and trimethylene groups, for the polymeric part of ionene were established. Isotropic rotation of the counter-ion was evidenced and its limited diffusion suggested. To interpret the proton and fluorine relaxation data, a Davidson-Cole distribution of correlation times was assumed.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 4(6), 353-360 (1995)

DOI: 10.1016/0926-2040(95)00013-G


Szcześniak E., Głowinkowski S., Jurga S.

Proccedings of 15th Conference on Radio and Microwave Spectroscopy, Poznań (Poland), , 89 (1993)


Przyłuski J., Wieczorek W., Głowinkowski S.

Novel proton polymer ionic conductors Novel proton polymeric electrolytes based on complexes of phosphoric acid with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) are described. The studied ionic conductors exhibited conductivities higher than 10−3 S cm−1 at room temperature. The present paper deals with the relation between conductivity and phase structure of the studied electrolytes.

Electrochimica Acta, 37(9), 1733-1735 (1992)

DOI: 10.1016/0013-4686(92)80149-G


Głowinkowski S., Jurga S., Szcześniak E.

Interrelation between molecular motions and structure in solid trimethylamine-boron-trichloride as studied by NMR The temperature dependences of proton second-moment and spin-lattice relaxation times (T1 and T1Q) have been measured in solid (CH3)3NBCl3. The nature of reorientation processes occurring in the complex has been established and the activation parameters determined. The motions are discussed in relation to the molecular structure of the complex.

Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Section A-A Journal of Physical Sciences, 47(11), 1157-1160 (1992)

DOI: 10.1515/zna-1992-1113   (Pobrane:  2021-01-10)


Gisser D.J., Głowinkowski S., Ediger M.D.

Local dynamics of polyisoprene in toluene Local dynamics of polyisoprene in dilute solution with toluene are examined through 13C NMR relaxation measurements. The variations of T1 and NOE with Larmor frequency are analyzed over a wide temperature range, including both the extreme narrowing region and the T1 minima. A frequency-temperature superposition of the data demonstrates that the distribution of motional time constants does not change shape with temperature and has a temperature and viscosity dependence consistent with that in nine other solvents. The data are analyzed in terms of eight motional models. Only those models that invoke motion on two well-separated time scales are successful. The slower, conformational motions correspond to activated torsional dynamics. The faster motions are librations within potential energy wells. Local dynamics in toluene are believed to exemplify polyisoprene dynamics in other solvents. Some similarities to local dynamics in bulk polymers are also expected.
(C)1991, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.

Macromolecules, 24(15), 4270-4277 (1991)

DOI: 10.1021/ma00015a007   (Pobrane:  2021-01-30)


Głowinkowski S., Gisser D.J., Ediger M.D.

Abstrakt lub materiały konferencyjne, albo abstrakt publikacji
z dodatkowymi numerami DOI

Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 99 part 2, 81-PHYS (1990)

   (Pobrane:  2022-01-24)


Głowinkowski S., Gisser D.J., Ediger M.D.

Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of local segmental dynamics of polyisoprene in dilute solution: nonlinear viscosity dependence The local segmental dynamics of polyisoprene in dilute solution have been studied with natural-abundance13C NMR spectroscopy. Ten solvents covering a factor of 70 in viscosity were utilized. Correlation times (τc) extracted from T1 measurements were determined as a function of temperature in all solvents. Contrary to the predictions of Kramers’ theory in the high friction limit, it was found that τc ∝ η0.41±0.02 at constant temperature. The potential barrier height for local dynamics extracted from these measurements is 13 ± 2 kJ/mol. The use of Kramers’ theory to extract this barrier height leads to serious errors and nonphysical results. The results are discussed in terms of Grote–Hynes theory in which the friction opposing conformational transitions is frequency dependent. Ratios of T1 values for methine and methylene carbons are independent of solvent and not equal to unity.
(C) 1990, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.

Macromolecules, 23(14), 3520-3530 (1990)

DOI: 10.1021/ma00216a021   (Pobrane:  2021-01-30)


Głowinkowski S., Kapturczak J., Pająk Z., Kurcok P., Kowalczuk M., Jedliński Z.

Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of molecular dynamics of beta-propiolactone homopolymer and its block copolymer with beta-butyrolactone Broad-line and pulse nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) investigations of β-propiolactone homopolymer and its block copolymer with β-butyrolactone are reported. Proton n.m.r. spectra and T1 and T1ϱ relaxation times studied in the temperature range from 113 K to the melting points are interpreted in terms of molecular motions and phase structure of the polymers investigated. Two regions with different mobilities in the amorphous phase of the block polymer have been found. The observed decrease of the second moment as well as the T1 and T1ϱ minima indicate the existence of molecular motions in the amorphous phase of both polymers far below their melting points. Rotation of methyl groups in the block polymer has been established.

Polymer, 30(3), 13-16 (1989)

DOI: 10.1016/0032-3861(89)90024-4


Wieczorek W., Płocharski J., Przyłuski J., Głowinkowski S., Pająk Z.

Impedance spectroscopy and phase structure of PEO-NaCl complexes PEO NaI solid electrolyte foils were prepared and their impedance spectra registered. The influence of salt concentration, molecular weight of the polymer and temperature were related to the parameters of the equivalent circuit. The phase structure of the studied samples wa− investigated by a pulse NMR method.

Solid State Ionics, 28-30, 1014-1017 (1988)

DOI: 10.1016/0167-2738(88)90322-0


Głowinkowski S., Pająk Z.

NMR study of the carbonization process of furfuryl alcohol resin Proton CW and pulse NMR studies for furfuryl alcohol resin carbonized over the temperature range 60-860°C are performed. The results are interpreted in terms of structural and chemical changes taking place during heat treatment. Heating up to: 1. (i) 240°C results in an increase in molecular weight and crosslinking; 2. (ii) 320°C produces crosslinking sufficient to form a rigid structure; 3. (iii) 380°C and higher leads to hydrogen release and appearance of paramagnetic centers.

Carbon, 20(1), 13-16 (1982)

DOI: 10.1016/0008-6223(82)90067-7


Głowinkowski S., Jurga K., Pająk Z.

NMR study of molecular motion in poly(ethylene oxide) Proton second moment and spin-lattice relaxation times T1, T1r and T1D for helical poly (ethylene oxide) 5000 over a wide temperature range are measured. The results of CW and pulse experiments corroborate the existence of a motional process in the crystalline region of the polymer interpreted as oscillation or rotation of molecules around their helical axes. The activation energy for this type of motion is found to be 12 kcal/mole

Polymer Bulletin, 5(5), 271-275 (1981)

DOI: 10.1007%2FBF00254713


Głowinkowski S., Pająk Z.

Acta Physica Polonica A, 54(4), 411-419 (1978)



Bailey W.,Głowinkowski S., Story H.,Roth W.L.

NMR study of sodium ion motion and distribution in beta-alumina NMR studies of 23Na in single crystal beta-alumina have been made which include (1) investigation of the quadrupole induced shifts of the 1/2↔-1/2 magnetic transition at 77 and 103 K, and (2) measurement of the width of the 23Na-NMR line as a function of temperature for several crystal orientations. The low temperature rotation patterns show that sodium ions occupy several independent sites in the lattice. At temperatures above about 110 K, the jumping of sodium ions among these several sites is manifested by motional narrowing of the quadrupolar spectrum. At these higher temperatures, a single, symmetric resonance line is observed. Analysis of the narrowing of this resonance line with increasing temperature yields an activation energy of 0.1 eV.
Copyright © 1976 American Institute of Physics.

he Journal of Chemical Physics, 64(10), 4126-4130 (1976)

DOI: 10.1063/1.431980   (Pobrane:  2022-02-06)


Głowinkowski S., Pająk Z., Szuba Z.

Bulletin del L Academie Polonaise des Sciences - Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 22(9), 755-760 (1974)


Głowinkowski S., Kaczała B.

Proccedings of Conference "Radiospectroscopy and Quantum Electronic", Poznań (Poland), , 361 (1972)

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